Recently adopted VeinViewer®, a medical device that uses harmless near-infrared light and other technologies to project a real-time digital vein image of subcutaneous vasculature and blood patterns directly on the skin, regardless of skin color or patient type.
Experts estimate that more than 1 billion venipunctures are performed annually; however, many first attempts can prove unsuccessful. VeinViewer has been shown to improve IV first-stick success by up to 100 percent, decrease medically unnecessary PICC lines by greater than 30 percent and increase patient satisfaction by 100 percent.
It not only benefits the practice but also provides a better patient experience and improved patient safety
Implementing new practices and technology that improves patient safety is a key focus. The Infusion Nurses Society released a pivotal position paper, “Recommendations for Improving Safety Practices With Short Peripheral Catheters” which recommends the use of vein visualization technology during venous access procedures.
The authors utilized three VeinViewer clinical studies as supporting evidence for the paper and recognized the importance of pre-insertion, insertion and post-insertion practices for improving safety, all of which are benefits VeinViewer provides.
“Through six VeinViewer generations, we at Christie have seen the device change the level of patient care around the world” said Chris Schnee, general manager for Christie Medical Holdings, maker of VeinViewer.
The vascular image projected by VeinViewer is becoming rapidly adopted by aesthetics physicians to help improve their success rates in sclerotherapy and injection procedures.
Identification of the deeper feeder vein has proven a very effective means of treating spider telangiectasia. VeinViewer sees peripheral veins up to 10mm deep and blood patterns up to 15 mm deep and can be used with both laser and non-laser treatment techniques. Our exclusive vascular imaging technology can potentially improve procedure success and avoid additional treatments.
VeinViewer® benefits include:
- Location of deeper reticular veins for better target mapping.
- Real time visualization; watch fluids clear the blood column.
- The potential to reduce costs and improve patient throughput.
- Patient consultation and education on the procedure, setting expectations of success; avoiding unneeded re-do of procedures.
- Expanded marketing opportunities due to increased patient satisfaction and word-of-mouth referrals.
“We have been using our VeinViewer for about 18 months and love it. We use it predominantly for reticular veins and identifying the veins that feed the large clusters of spider telangiectasia. It is also very helpful for the lateral sub-dermal venous plexus. Most importantly, the patients absolutely love the technology, and I feel that it legitimizes us as vein specialists”
– William Schuh, MD, Vein Care Institute, Denver, CO
Cosmetic injections
Accidentally hitting a vein during injection of fillers and other cosmetic facial treatments can cause painful unattractive bruising.
- Locate and avoid veins on the face, which are commonly clustered around the eyes.
- Promote your dedication to the comfort of your patients through utilization of the latest technology.